Cambridge Academy of English (CAE) update: May 2020 – After 45 years


Kamiya Schools Ltd, trading as Cambridge Academy of English (CAE) remains closed to staff and students under the current and ongoing UK lock-down advice, and until further notice.

It is with great sadness that we confirm that CAE school building and grounds in Girton, Cambridge – much-loved English home to thousands of international students over forty-five years – has closed permanently.  The premises is under new ownership.

We do not expect to offer any further language courses in 2020.  Students, and other friends and partners will be contacted directly, and with individual updates as soon as possible.

Any questions or concerns should be directed by email to

A message from John, CAE Principal,  on behalf of us all.

Communication is the one thing that keeps the world moving on.  Students never forget their language learning experiences, and it is always a pleasure for us to hear what their language course has meant to them.  My one abiding memory, particularly poignant at this difficult time all across the world, is of a doctor speaking to me at the end of his English course at CAE.  He had combined his English studies with working part time as a surgeon in the hospital in Cambridge. 

“Thank you,” he said with a tear in his eye, “for giving me enough English to be able to explain to a fellow surgeon how to save a baby’s life.”

Such is the power of language!  Let’s hope we can find a way to continue to make a difference in the future.




CAE Summer – Countdown to Kick Off


Ready for kick off? Not long now! Just one month to the start. One month to Kick Off! Simply put, We can’t wait! We look forward to meeting you. We look forward to welcoming you to the CAE English language summer courses at Bedford School. Why not Kick off your own summer in CAE style?  […]

CAE Stories: Ahoj. Hello from Jana in Bratislava


At first Barbora was homesick. I expected this as she was very close to us. She was 10 years old, and we were thinking of an English Language summer school for her and a friend.  I was a little afraid of the girls travelling to London alone, so I travelled with them on business and […]