Junhee shares news of her successful internship in Germany


CAE loves to keep in contact with old students, so we were delighted when Junhee, from South Korea, came to see us a few weeks ago to tell us about her successful internship in Germany.  Junhee studied with us for several months and then took the Cambridge Advanced examination, passing with flying colours! She returned home to continue studying for her degree in English Literature and Consumer Studies. However, her excellent English helped her gain an internship with BMW in Munich. Junhee thoroughly enjoyed her time there and made great use of the English she had learned at CAE, both at work and socially. This is what she says about CAE:

“My time at CAE was my first experience of staying in a foreign country, but I didn’t feel lonely at all. I met the friendliest people there, making friends from all around the world – I’ve even been to visit some of them on my travels! – sharing their culture and of course improving my English throughout. Many thanks to CAE for offering such a great international experience!”


CAE Stories: Ahoj. Hello from Jana in Bratislava


At first Barbora was homesick. I expected this as she was very close to us. She was 10 years old, and we were thinking of an English Language summer school for her and a friend.  I was a little afraid of the girls travelling to London alone, so I travelled with them on business and […]

CAE Stories: a love story…my life story


Dearest CAE friends, Let me tell you some of my life story, which is in the end, a life-long CAE love story – In 1990, my parents became Spanish agents for Cambridge Academy of English. My brother and I started travelling to England with them every summer when they accompanied their students.  After a few […]