
Sami and Abdullah start degrees at UK universities


Congratulations to Sami (right in photo) and Abdullah (left in photo), who studied at CAE last year. Both students took the IELTS exam at the end of the course. They achieved the high scores needed to...

Junhee shares news of her successful internship in Germany


CAE loves to keep in contact with old students, so we were delighted when Junhee, from South Korea, came to see us a few weeks ago to tell us about her successful internship in Germany.  Junhee...

Cheese and Wine evening for our adult students


We offer a social activity either in our Cafeteria or The Banana Club several afternoons and evenings a week (plus exciting trips to Cambridge and further afield!). Here are some of our adult students enjoying a...

Aybike starts Master’s Degree and international teaching post in Turkey


At CAE we love to hear from our past students and find out what they're doing now. Aybike from Turkey studied with us in the Upper Intermediate class in 2017. Here she describes, in her own...